Sunday, December 24, 2023

k'NO'w the "NO"

I dedicate this to those who were in the job hunt process and still have not landed a job during this festive period. Festive season generally means joy, happiness which is all about positivity. But in the process of hunting for a job when the market is not supportive for a longer time, those individuals find it very difficult to move ahead. Been there, felt them and thought I would share my thoughts hoping that would create a glimmer of hope to someone. 

k'NO'w the "NO"

In different walks of our life, each one of us would not have come past without having to hear this magical word "NO".

The word can be uttered anywhere by anyone at any moment - at home between parents and children, on the street between strangers, at the office between colleagues, between friends, between lovers and the list goes on. At times you receive this word and at times you direct this at others. I did not think much about the feelings while uttering the word but being on the receiving end for some time, I can say it surely is not a good feeling. So, it is good to kNOw the NO lying within!!

For now, I would like to keep this around the job hunt process. Heard that the management gurus suggest practicing the art of saying "no". While I was searching for jobs recently, I witnessed everyone taking the gurus' suggestions seriously. Jokes apart, no offence intended to the recruiting connections from agencies and companies, as they do what they were supposed to. The more you hear the "no" in your process, the more it drags you down and discourages you in your next attempt. Though it is a known secret, I would like to share a tidbit to restore or maintain the positivity at such difficult moments as the individual tends to lose this secret in the midst of a whirlwind.  

I repeat!!! Maintaining positivity is an important factor at such difficult times. Positivity can be achieved by expecting the possibility of negativity. Because, when the negativity occurs, potentially there is less damage to the level of positivity as this was something you were expecting. And when the negativity does not happen, your positivity will be lifted to a new level as that was something the least you expected. I know it's a bit of math happening here. To simplify, I would say better to maintain your positivity by expecting the negativity. In addition, do not remove the support you received from your friends, professional circle, recruiting professionals and last but not the least the life support you received at home by your loved ones.

In this low period, in terms of recruitment, I would like you to maintain the positive frame of mind during this festive moment and wish to keep that mood alive into the new year. I know it is easy to say this, but still as your co-traveler, I will say this "You are not too far in your journey, and you will be there now or sooner". 

Wishing everyone out there a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024.

#festivemood #happiness #spreadthepositivity #maintainpositivity #positivethoughts #conquerthenegativity #cotraveller #jobhuntdiaries #jobhuntmoments #youarethere #glimmerofhope #kNOwtheNO

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