Sunday, February 4, 2024

Spirit of Sport

Firstly we, as parents, are more than proud for being lucky to witness the dedication, commitment and perseverance that Adhrit showed today during his match in the scorching sun. And more importantly, we learnt how strong he is by looking at the way he exhibited the Spirit of Sport, while we were in fact waiting for the moment for him to say that he is forfeiting the match.

Let us quickly run through how things unfolded. It was a hot day and not really good for kids playing outdoor games. Unfortunately, Adhrit, along with other kids, had to go through this. We could see the first match, which was a close one, made him expend a huge amount of his energy. And he started the second match with a 5-minute break, and it went well in the first set.

Adhrit Anjay
Suddenly in the second set, we could see he was having trouble due to a stomach stitch, probably because of the laborious day he was having. We could see he was not moving at all. During the break, we told him if he does not feel good, it's ok to inform the opponent that he cannot continue. He just said, "Let me try" and continued to play. We were doubtful if he was going to faint due to the merciless sun in addition to the physical struggle he was going through. As we could see he seldom could do anything to avoid losing the second set.

We were not worried at all about the set he lost but wanted him to come out as early as possible. The decider was a tiebreaker and he was moving very slowly whether it was returning the ball or walking to serve or sharing the balls to the opponent to serve. We just could not wait for the match to finish, and the outcome was long gone from our mind.

A loud cry of "yeah..." from Adhrit signaled not just the victory but his way of emoting for the gift he deserved for all the courage, commitment and dedication he showed to the sport and respect to the opponent.

And this moment we learnt something. We as parents should stop worrying about the kids as they know when it is enough or to stop or to walk out. He knows who he is and what he is made of. What else can we ask for as parents than to witness our big guy teaching us a few things and letting us be part of the proud moment.

#spiritofsport #tennis #dedication #commitment #perseverance #respecttoopponent #scorchingsun #summergames #kidsknowbetter #proudmoment #proudparents #AnjayPhotography

Sunday, December 24, 2023

k'NO'w the "NO"

I dedicate this to those who were in the job hunt process and still have not landed a job during this festive period. Festive season generally means joy, happiness which is all about positivity. But in the process of hunting for a job when the market is not supportive for a longer time, those individuals find it very difficult to move ahead. Been there, felt them and thought I would share my thoughts hoping that would create a glimmer of hope to someone. 

k'NO'w the "NO"

In different walks of our life, each one of us would not have come past without having to hear this magical word "NO".

The word can be uttered anywhere by anyone at any moment - at home between parents and children, on the street between strangers, at the office between colleagues, between friends, between lovers and the list goes on. At times you receive this word and at times you direct this at others. I did not think much about the feelings while uttering the word but being on the receiving end for some time, I can say it surely is not a good feeling. So, it is good to kNOw the NO lying within!!

For now, I would like to keep this around the job hunt process. Heard that the management gurus suggest practicing the art of saying "no". While I was searching for jobs recently, I witnessed everyone taking the gurus' suggestions seriously. Jokes apart, no offence intended to the recruiting connections from agencies and companies, as they do what they were supposed to. The more you hear the "no" in your process, the more it drags you down and discourages you in your next attempt. Though it is a known secret, I would like to share a tidbit to restore or maintain the positivity at such difficult moments as the individual tends to lose this secret in the midst of a whirlwind.  

I repeat!!! Maintaining positivity is an important factor at such difficult times. Positivity can be achieved by expecting the possibility of negativity. Because, when the negativity occurs, potentially there is less damage to the level of positivity as this was something you were expecting. And when the negativity does not happen, your positivity will be lifted to a new level as that was something the least you expected. I know it's a bit of math happening here. To simplify, I would say better to maintain your positivity by expecting the negativity. In addition, do not remove the support you received from your friends, professional circle, recruiting professionals and last but not the least the life support you received at home by your loved ones.

In this low period, in terms of recruitment, I would like you to maintain the positive frame of mind during this festive moment and wish to keep that mood alive into the new year. I know it is easy to say this, but still as your co-traveler, I will say this "You are not too far in your journey, and you will be there now or sooner". 

Wishing everyone out there a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024.

#festivemood #happiness #spreadthepositivity #maintainpositivity #positivethoughts #conquerthenegativity #cotraveller #jobhuntdiaries #jobhuntmoments #youarethere #glimmerofhope #kNOwtheNO

Sunday, June 19, 2011


The below blog, "Mixed Emotions - Happiness and Sadness!!!", I posted on IndiBlogger a few months back has been recognized as one of the Top 20 blogs.

You can check the same on the Indiblogger site. I have taken a snapshot of the above page:

I have included the IndiBlogger's IndiRank widget in this blog:

Clicking the widget will take you to the post "Mixed Emotions - Happiness and Sadness!!!"

Your feedback/comments please :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mixed Emotions - Happiness and Sadness!!!

I feel I should share a moment where I felt the opposite feelings together - Happiness and Sadness. Yeah, it was Diwali time and it is needless to say that it is the time for gala celebrations from North to South irrespective of where you are located. Before moving on to describing the moment I would like to tell a few lines on Diwali and happenings during the festival.

And the debates like "should we really fire crackers? " or "is buying crackers a waste of money?" or "crackers are nuisance and cause of a noise pollution" or in any other context will happen if not at a bigger level, it will happen between your friends and close ones.

So what exactly Diwali mean? For me its time to relax, enjoy, feel happy, have sweets and many many other sweet things you can think of. Even few of my friends (for that matter my better half ) would say "is this the age to fire crackers?" or "I have not liked it even during my younger days". Is there any specific age or some cut-off for anything - not only for firing crackers? It is perfect as long as one likes to do it. So if one does not like to do it, so be it. That does not mean they should expect others to follow them as well.

I know some of you must be feeling a bit jittery about the .Hope, after reading the content below, you will agree to why I was elaborating it above.

It was that momentous Diwali day. It started as it had in the previous years. We got up early and had oil bath (maybe not like the usual bath, at-least we had oil applied all over the body :)). After having some eatables, we started firing crackers - almost all types starting from Bijili, Lakshmi crackers, Sparrow/ crackers, atom bombs to garland crackers - in the morning. We were so happy and so immersed in firing that we seldom noticed the lads watching it around the corner.

When I was about to fire a garland cracker, I went to that corner and found a few lads watching at us. I asked them
"what are you doing here?"
And got the immediate response "watching you fire crackers".
"Why are you not doing it? Go and fire crackers"
"We don't have crackers at home"

For a moment, I was lost. I called them, after some hesitance, they came and I gave few crackers which we have bought and asked them to fire it either here or at their home. They started firing them near our place itself. Maybe their parents would not feel good or the lads might be punished for getting the crackers from outsiders.

Whatever it might be, I was more than happy at the moment for seeing them firing crackers happily and at the same time felt really sad for the lads who could not spare for few crackers. I know few lads might come just like that to have extra crackers. But I felt that was not the moment to validate if the lads were really not having crackers or they wanted extra. When I watched them fire the crackers so happily, it instilled a little more happiness in me on that auspicious day.

Let anybody say anything - its a waste of time and money, noise pollution etc. I felt that if I can make a few lads happy by giving a little percentage of what I had, I am content and happy. So at-least for few such kids, I buy crackers every year without fail. Hope some of you are upto this already. Thanks guys.

PS: This story or reality bite is a part of Indiblogger Fire and Freeze contest powered by Close-Up, under the theme of Mixed Emotions.

Please vote for it on IndiVine Closeup if you like it!!

Also visit the close up facebook page and share your story or drop in a comment here at the blog : closeup and smile

Saturday, August 7, 2010

One Good Thing is...

All of us know that a coin has two sides. At one point in time, you can see one side of a coin only. If you had to look at the other side of the coin, unless you flip the coin, you will not be able to see it. Likewise, in life, you have most of the ingredients in pairs like happy-sad, tall-short and such pairs.

Why I am telling this is, most of the times, many of us, including me, will look at things happened to us - looking at one side of a coin. And we forget one important thing - not flipping the coin to see the other side. In not flipping we are unaware of what is there on the other side. And there is
always "One Good Thing" in what ever has happened which you might discover when you find time to flip. I am sure this does really excite you, but I am sure that when you flip, you will appreciate and accept that it is a fact that One Good Thing exists in anything, more importantly anytime!!!

Let us have a look at a few of the happenings that occur either once in a while or in our daily walks of the life, which had atleast One Good Thing in it.

One Good Thing

* when any of your closest person, be it a friend or relative or your love, ditches you under some circumstances, is that it is really good that you learnt that you cannot count on them anymore.

* when you have failed in any of your attempts towards a particular goal, see that it in turn makes you think much better to achieve what you wanted thus honing your ability.

* when you miss the train / bus to your work place from your family / friends on a weekend night, is that, you can spend with your closed ones some more time.

* when you feel sorry / bad on seeing few folks who slog a lot to earn very little, is that, you can relax as they have got something to take care of them

* when you cross a Volvo bus, is that, you can rest assure that you will not be the chosen one for those idiots who spit out on the street from a bus.

* about this post is that you have been reminded that always there is atleast one good thing in everything and has brought a smiling curve, rather than a frowning curve, on your lips for a moment atleast.

Though at moments, you will not be in a position to look for the good things in whatever has happened, it would be good to flip the coin to discover and recover from that soon to see for the good thing in that. Now that you know that there is a good thing in everything, appreciate life for letting you know through an incident or happening.
This content is published here:

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Grand 'SLAM' Time

Hey its the month of April - time for an exclusive hunt - and every year this hunt will be on with mixed feelings. The hunt I am referring to is about getting your autograph book or slam books slammed by the buddies whom you think you dont want to miss, atleast for that moment, at a later stage of your life. Though the word SLAM sounds a bit harsh, I look at it a perfect framing. The words in the book will find the depth of your heart as though it is slammed inside your soul.

This exercise of getting your slam books slammed by your friends, teachers, non-teaching staffs (though I have not got one...hmm) will look more important than completing your final exams as you don't want to lose anyone before you move (in most of the cases). And this slamming happens right from the school days, it continues to your high school, then to college days. I am not sure if anyone has got their slam books before they leave from one company to other and maybe when they retire:)

What are the times which will make the guys pick a slam book? The situations could vary from moving from one school to other in case of elementary to high school or high school to higher secondary or school to college or in case of the person's parents getting transfered to a different place and the list can go on. What finally needs to be looked at is the guys coming up with a book in their hand in mixed feelings to get their book filled in by most of them around.

So, why this becomes so special in your life? I should say it is a very special phase that you would love to read what every one has slammed in your book about them - their birthdays, address, photo and most importantly about you :) Sometimes, even this would get rid of the enmity between a few in your schooldays which is really good, right? And for some, it could be an ambition to get it filled from the ones they like/love and the word from them will mean everything for them :) It gives you a lovely feeling at that moment and a great feeling when you happen to look at that book after several years. It works like a time machine that you make a special trip to that older moments virtually, live there for a moment with the happenings around that period and so on. And, reading it again after years makes you feel very happy for sure :)

The other day on the road, I saw two guys going thru the slam book and could see a smile on their face. Looking at them, unknowingly I was smiling and feeling happy since it reminded me of my good old days where I got autograph of so many great people who shared their times with me in some walk or the other in my life. Guys if you missed it during your school/college days, even now its not too late. If you are going to move to a different company from the one you are working now or if you are going to retire, make sure you get slammed by your people around and I can guarantee that you will love to read it after a few years.

So, get slammed and have fun!!!!!!

This content is published here:

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Have you, at times wondered like - "what's happening to me?", "few years back it was not like this", "what happened all of a sudden?", etc...?

Few years back you would have been talking to your closed ones (siblings, relations, friends...) without any hassles but now the scenario might be different that you try to avoid each other and you are feeling uneasy. You are like an isolated island with respect to that person(s) though you are very close physically.

If you look back at it, spending some time for that, you will realize that it could have been avoided by talking open heartedly. So talking the issues and thrashing it out before it's too late is a good thing to maintain relations is what I feel. It's not that we don't know this but we DON'T DO it. How sad :(

What's happening is that we are not ready to accept the uniqueness of each personality. Each person is unique in his own way. But when it comes to being together with others, we, somehow, expect others to behave like how we expect. So, we DON'T ACCEPT THE DIFFERENCES. On the other hand, we are not ready to listen to what others tell. That is, if your closed ones tell you something or wants to comment about your act, you are not OK with that and DON'T WANT TO LISTEN.

When such things happen and you don't talk about that, the gap becomes large that you start to feel some discomfort with the respective person. If the talking had happened somehow, you would not have moved into the so called discomfort zone. So start talking to your closed ones open heartedly, now atleast so that such petty things dont destroy the relation between two good people. These talkings are good in any kind of a relationship - be it between your siblings, between your family members, between parents and their children, husband and wife or between friends.

Aren't these things very simple and can be shoo-ed away just like that without any issues? It CAN be done provided, you - both the ends - are open to accepting the differences and listen to what others say. I know it is very difficult though easily said but when it comes to maintain relationships, which atleast I feel, is very important in all walks of our life.

This content is published here: